Mikrocontroller PicoBasic
1 Introduction 4
1.1 PicoBasic 5
1.2 The TestLab 8
2 Direct measurements in the TestLab 11
2.1 Oscilloscope functions 11
2.2 Voltage measurement 14
2.3 Circuit test 15
2.4 Measurement of very small currents 18
2.5 Amplifier test 23
3 PicoBasic Start 28
3.1 PicoBasic keywords 28
3.2 User interface 31
3.3 Programs to get started 33
3.4 Program status at startup 37
3.5 Tips and tricks 37
4 Ports, inputs and outputs 39
4.1 Switching outputs 39
4.2 Binary numbers 42
4.3 Hexadecimal numbers 43
4.4 Speed test 47
4.5 Port inputs 50
4.6 Pull-up and pull-down 52
4.7 A timer switch 54
4.8 An RC oscillator 55
5 Calculating with bits and bytes 59
5.1 Serial data transmission 59
5.2 Arithmetic operations 63
5.3 Basic logical functions 65
5.4 Counting loops 68
5.5 Dice 69
6 Analog data processing 71
6.1 Voltage measurement 71
6.2 Series measurement 72
6.3 PWM outputs 74
6.4 Brightness modulation 75
7 Measurement technology 78
7.1 Data recorder 78
7.2 Single-channel oscilloscope 80
7.3 Dual-channel oscilloscope 82
7.4 Arduino oscilloscope 83
7.5 Frequency counter 86
7.6 Rectangle generator 90
7.7 Sine wave generator 92
7.8 Phase shift 94
7.9 Sweep generator 96
8 Sound generation 100
8.1 Adjustable pitch 100
8.2 Alarm siren 101
8.3 Special sounds 102
8.4 Heart rate monitor 104
8.5 Signal delay 106
9 The PicoBasic firmware 109
10 The user program 118